Compliance Regional Meeting of the Antitrust Commission in Poland at the International Chamber of Commerce

23 Nov 2015

The Polish document contains a set of tools to help develop, implement and execute an effective antitrust compliance programme in a company. The following people gave their speeches at the meeting:

  • Waldemark Jurasz, Director of the Representation Office of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection in Krakow, legal advisor; Wojciech Kowalewski, Chairman of the Antitrust Commission at ICC Poland;
  • Paweł Podrecki, PhD, hab., ordinary member of the ICC;
  • Andrzej Bednarczyk, legal advisor of Bednarczyk Łuczak i Wspólnicy law firm;
  • Zbigniew Pilch and Dariusz Konieczny of the Association of Cement Producers;
  • Aleksandra Dziurkowska, trainee legal advisor, and Katarzyna Wiese, trainee legal advisor of Traple Konarski Podrecki i Wspólnicy sp.j. law firm.

The speakers presented the contents of the ICC Toolkit for Developing Antitrust Programmes”, including, in particular, the issue of risk assessment, and gave practical advice regarding the development of compliance programmes.

The event was well attended by people interested in compliance programmes, who actively participated in the meeting. The Polish version of the ICC Toolkit for Developing Antitrust Programmes was made available during the conference. Also, the Polish version of a Short Guide to Antitrust Law for Medium and Small Enterprises was available for the first time.

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) represents the interests of global businesses before governments and international organisations. It also sets out the rules of international commercial transactions and engages in international commercial arbitration.

ICC was found in 1919 and is a non-governmental organisation which brings together thousands of enterprises and chambers of commerce and industry from more than 130 countries. The ICC is an association of autonomous and independent National Committees. Only the National Committees can delegate representatives to the global ICC board, other governing bodies of the ICC as well as codification commissions and the Court of Arbitration.

The Polish National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC Poland) was appointed on 21 March 2000.