IP Insights. Identity/similarity with an earlier sign
26 Jul 2024
Want to register a trademark and you have already made sure that there are no absolute grounds for refusal? You are on a good path but you still need to verify if your mark is not too similar to those that already exist and will not expose you to an opposition!
From the latest IP Insights prepared by Maciej Majewski, you will learn:
- What rights does the holder of a prior conflicting trademark have if they notice your attempt to register a mark?
- How can you use this instrument if someone tries to register a mark that infringes on your interests?
- What conditions must be met for someone to oppose your application or for you to successfully prevent someone else from registering a specific mark?
- What are the known market cases concerning the refusal of trademark registrations?
- What circumstances are relevant when assessing the similarity of marks?
We invite you to read!
We encourage you to read the other publications in the IP Insights series:
- IP Insights. Trademark refusal, opposition – what now?
- IP Insights. Copyright infringement.
- IP Insights. What will block your trademark registration? Part 4 – Non-permitted elements
- IP Insights. What will block your trademark registration? Part 3 – Bad faith in trademark applications
- IP Insights. What will block your trademark registration? Part 2 – Trademarks contrary to public or to accepted principles of morality.