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Cybersecurity is becoming increasingly important. Not so long ago, neither entrepreneurs nor public entities considered cybersecurity a priority. Nowadays, however, in the era of cloud-based solutions, remote work, and an information-based economy, data protection has become a key issue. Polish and EU legislators have responded accordingly. The need to ensure information and data security is triggering more and more regulatory measures. The regulations that apply to ICT systems processing data have also been expanded.

Our experts have been investigating legal aspects of cybersecurity for years. Drawing on our extensive experience, we have developed effective working practices which benefit our Clients. We collaborate with operators of essential services, digital service providers, IT providers, IT system procurers, and other public entities.

Cybersecurity considerations cannot be ignored. Enterprises gain a competitive edge by ensuring security of the data processed.

What we do?
  • Verification of the applicability of cybersecurity regulations to your business (or business group).
  • Organisational, technical, legal audit of solutions and services in terms of compliance with cybersecurity regulations.
  • Support in the process of preparation and implementation of required cybersecurity measures (including policies and procedures) within your organisation.
  • Support related to an incident management system and supervisory and control proceedings.
  • Preparation for and support in the process of negotiating contracts for implementation/IT maintenance services.
  • Formal and legal support in setting up/organising and running an ISAC.
  • Training and ongoing advice.
Cooperation benefits

We handle all the legal formalities related to the implementation and maintenance of cybersecurity within an organization on behalf of our Clients. This is a major benefit, as it allows enterprises and public institutions to fully focus on their tasks. In the long run, it is both time- and cost-effective.

Our Clients may seek assistance from a team of lawyers with expertise spanning cybersecurity and information and data security, as well as sector-specific regulations. Our Law Firm can also advise on technical matters. We work on a permanent basiswith several consultancy firms specializing in cybersecurity and with brokers offering insurance against cyber threats. With a vast knowledge of the working practices available, we help our Clients protect themselves and their business against cyber threats.

Entrepreneurs who fail to maintain cybersecurity standards may suffer financial losses and immeasurable damage to their reputation. With our expert teams support, that risk can be significantly mitigated or even completely eliminated.

Why choose us?
  • We offer expertise in cybersecurity, and constantly keep that expertise up to date.
  • We can respond to a crisis instantly – in the event of cyber security incidents or data and security breaches.
  • We monitor any legislative developments and the latest case law.
  • We can provide comprehensive support with regard to legal provisions and technical IT expertise.
  • We take a multi-disciplinary problem-solving approach, based on an in-depth knowledge of the industry and developed in collaboration with brokers who provide insurance against cyber threats.


Xawery Konarski

Attorney‑at‑lawSenior PartnerCo‑Managing Partner

Agnieszka Wachowska

Attorney‑at‑lawCo‑Managing Partner

Dominika Nowak-Byrtek

Attorney‑at‑lawManaging Associate

Konrad Basaj

Trainee attorney‑at‑lawJunior Associate

Piotr Konieczny

Trainee attorney‑at‑lawJunior Associate

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