
About this practice area

Telecommunications law has been one of our key practice areas for many years. We have accompanied our Clients in the telecommunications sector since its birth in the modern, free market Polish economy. We have assisted the largest Polish telecommunications operators in building their current position.

We are constantly at the core of the evolution and transformation processes in the telecommunications market. We advise companies of all sizes on their responsibilities stemming from telecommunications law, including their obligations toward service users and the regulator, as well as concerning the provision of telecommunication networks and telecommunications services. We also assist with implementation of the EU acts on the establishing of the Digital Single Market, including the European Electronic Communications Code Directive (EECC), a fundamental act in the ongoing transformation of the telecommunications market.

We also work with companies whose core business activity is not telecommunications but which may find themselves affected or regulated by telecommunications law, especially the new electronic communications law introduced by the EECC.

We have been serving telecommunications sector companies for many years and are not losing momentum.We always offer our Clients specific proposals for action tailored to their individual needs.

What we do?
  • We provide services in areas such as compliance with telecommunications operators’ responsibilities, especially disclosure obligations, with regard to the regulatory authority and/or service users.
  • We assist our Clients in matters related to access to infrastructure.
  • We advise on consumer law issues, especially those related to contracts with consumers and consumer protection.
  • We work with customers who invest in and/or construct very high capacity networks (5G).
  • We assist companies whose main activity is not telecommunications with regard to registration as telecommunications operators, disclosure obligations, access to telecommunications infrastructure, or protection of service users.
Cooperation benefits

Regulations governing the telecommunications industry, whether directly or indirectly, are changing rapidly. Constant modifications and amendments, combined with the increasing number of legislative acts and the activity of regulatory authorities, mean that telecommunications companies must declare readiness to embrace the change. We relieve Clients of this burdensome obligation and make sure that they comply with all the requirements, not only those concerning telecommunications law.

We are aware that the needs of telecommunications companies are very complex. Therefore, a multi-disciplinary team of experts in this practice area provides support in environmental protection, data protection, cybersecurity, public procurement law, consumer protection, and other legal fields associated with the telecommunications sector. We also work on a permanent basis with several consulting companies to provide our Clients with assistance in technology as well.

We fully comprehend the legal challenges faced by telecommunications operators. Not only can we solve problems effectively, we can also provide our Clients with a straightforward explanation regarding the implemented solutions.

Why choose us?
  • We ensure that we are available at all times when working for Clients, we swiftly respond to their needs.
  • We have many years of experience in telecommunications law and we take pride in our numerous successes and distinctions, especially in prestigious rankings such as The Legal 500 and Chambers Europe in the TMT category.
  • We provide comprehensive legal assistance regarding regulations, tailored to the infrastructure of our Clients’ telecommunications solutions.
  • We offer a multi-disciplinary approach to legal issues regardless of their complexity.
  • We truly understand the needs of our Clients in the telecommunications sector.


Xawery Konarski

Attorney‑at‑lawSenior PartnerCo‑Managing Partner

Agnieszka Wachowska

Attorney‑at‑lawCo‑Managing Partner

Kamila Dymek

Trainee attorney‑at‑lawAssociate

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