Prof. Elżbieta Traple, PhD, Habil.

Attorney-at-lawSenior Partner


Prof. Elżbieta Traple, PhD, habil. passed away on 20 August 2021.

Elżbieta Traple was a senior partner and founder of the law firm Traple Konarski Podrecki i Wspólnicy. For many years, she was a research fellow at the Chair of Civil Law at the Jagiellonian University, making an enormous contribution to the learning and development of young generations of legal practitioners.

She was a distinguished expert on civil law and intellectual property law, and her academic interests also included laws on combatting unfair competition and industrial property, and pharmaceutical law. She advised Polish and foreign companies, as well as entities in the public sector.

From 2005, Elżbieta Traple was the President of the Court of Arbitration of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Krakow. She was an arbiter at the Court of Arbitration of the Polish Chamber of Commerce in Warsaw and at the Copyright Commission of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. Elżbieta Traple was frequently involved in drafting legislation and served as an expert preparing opinions for the Polish Sejm and Senate. She took part in the work of international scientific groups to devise model solutions in the field of copyright law and industrial property law. She worked with international law organizations and was a member of the Deutsches Anwaltsinstitut in Bochum. From 1986-1987, and in 1990 and 1996, she conducted research at the Max Planck Institute in Munich as a visiting professor.

In the run-up to Poland’s accession to the European Union, Elżbieta Traple participated in the work on harmonizing copyright law and industrial property law in a group of experts appointed by the European Commission. She was repeatedly recommended in Polish and international rankings of lawyers specializing in intellectual property law, such as Chambers Europe, Chambers Global, Legal 500, and Rzeczpospolita.

She was the author of numerous publications, including Komentarz do Ustawy o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych (Commentary on the Act on Copyright and Related Rights) (co-author), a volume of System prawa prywatnego (Private Law System) on copyright law (co-author), and the monograph Umowy o eksploatację utworów w prawie polskim (Agreements on the Use of Artistic Works in Polish Law) (author). She was editor and co-author of the publication Prawo reklamy i promocji (Advertising and Sales Promotion Law). She also co-authored Prawo farmaceutyczne – zagadnienia regulacyjne i cywilnoprawne (Pharmaceutical Law – Regulatory and Civil Law Issues) and a volume of System prawa prywatnego (Private Law System) on industrial property.

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Hubert Łączkowski

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