8th Cashless Congress

13 wrz 2020 - 14 wrz 2020

On 14–15 September 2020, 8th Cashless Congress will take place. This time, the meeting is dedicated to issues related to the cashless payment market and it will also host the Awards Ceremony of the Cashless Congress 4 Startups contest. During the congress, participants will have an opportunity to see many interest presentations and exchange opinions, for example on legal changes, new product trends, innovative technologies and activities to promote cashless payments. Traple Konarski Podrecki i Wspólnicy will be represented by our Partner and attorney-at-law, Jan Byrski, PhD Habil., Professor of the Krakow University of Economics.

The organizers of the event are Fundacja Rozwoju Obrotu Bezgotówkowego (Cashless Trade Development Foundation) and Fundacja Polska Bezgotówkowa (Cashless Poland Foundation) in cooperation with Polska Agencja Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości (Polish Agency for Enterprise Development).

For more information about the program and participation, please visit: https://www.cashlesscongress.pl/

We will be very happy to see you there.

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