White-collar crime

About this practice area

Criminal law is an increasingly important factor in business operations. Lawmakers are including more offences of new kinds in particular acts that govern trade, and this means that business undertakings can expect to face grave consequences for errors and over sights. An over sight in the making of a business decision can have consequences as serious as a court ban on conducting business operations. For this reason it is especially important to incorporate proper criminal liability risk management into business decision planning.

At the law firm TKP, we help businesses confront these issues. We conduct audits of the current solutions in place and devise the appropriate internal risk detection and rectification procedures with respect to white-collar crime. We issue opinions on projects and business decisions before they are made, addressing the level of risk posed to the firm and members of its governing bodies.

For many years, our specialists have been addressing criminal liability issues in business. We have the know-how for preventing white-collar crime.

What we do?


  • we review business plans,
  • we implement comprehensive compliance systems and procedures,
  • we provide training for employees and management on currently relevant risks, how to prepare for raids carried out by law enforcement agencies, and procedures when companies fall victim to crime.


  • we conduct internal investigations,
  • we conduct audits, revise, and amend policies currently in effect,
  • we deal with criminal liability risk management.


  • we provide advice in emergencies,
  • we provide defense in criminal, white-collar and fiscal cases,
  • we provide representation for businesses that are victims of crime, dealing with white-collar crime, defamation suits, information protection, cybercrime, money and securities fraud, and infringement of intellectual property,
  • we assist all parties to criminal proceedings during examination,
  • we advise clients acting on their own behalf in criminal cases,
  • we provide assistance for businesses during raids conducted by law enforcement agencies,
  • we provide representation in corporate criminal liability cases,
  • we assist and provide representation in cases of ordinary crimes.
Cooperation benefits

Business undertakings are constantly faced with difficult and complex decisions, and this entails a multitude of risks, including the especially important risk of breach of criminal law. A failure to exercise due diligence could not only reflect poorly on the company, but also pose a severe risk to its operations.

Our experienced team of attorneys-at-law can advise on a comprehensive range of issues. We are able to deal with multiple aspects of business matters and projects. We pay attention to the areas in which criminal liability may arise for companies and members of governing bodies. We provide advice throughout Poland as necessary to accommodate client needs.

Finding solutions to issues concerning non-compliance with criminal law requires a combination of know-how and proven knowledge of the law. Our advice accounts for the organizational structure, business profile, and business climate in which firms operate. We continually monitor to ensure that our clients are safe under the law, and to ensure proper cooperation with courts, public prosecutors, and law enforcement agencies. We provide tried and tested solutions devised following meticulous examination of the current status of a case and the client’s needs.

We have both a knowledge and understanding of white-collar crime. We stop at nothing to make sure that clients are properly protected.

Why choose us?
  • continually expanding practical knowledge of white-collar crime law,
  • comprehensive advice on all aspects of criminal law risks with respect to business,
  • more than twenty years’ experience providing legal advice to business and private individuals,
  • devising personalized solutions for each client,
  • constant avail ability and total commitment to every case,
  • an ability to provide simple explanations and solutions to any problem, no matter how complex,
  • a cross-disciplinary approach that combines the know-how of specialists and distinguished academics in various areas of law.


Beata Matusiewicz-Kulig

Attorney‑at‑lawCo‑Managing Partner

Małgorzata Kutaj

Attorney‑at‑lawTrainee patent attorneyManaging Associate

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