Real estate, construction projects and reprivatization

About this practice area

Effective legal assistance with respect to real estate and construction projects and restitution demands experience and a practical knowledge of useful tools. For more than ten years, our expert team has been providing Clients with only those solutions that are viable and safe.

Our services are addressed to domestic and foreign Clients operating on the Polish market. We assist various sector stakeholders such as developers, contractors, architects, housing communities, infrastructure companies, and other entities. We also support individuals claiming restitution of property, or acquiring properties with a view to investment.

We know how various industries operate. We advise entities operating on the housing, office, banking, leasing, infrastructure, construction, local government, and other markets. We keep abreast of the industry trends and we are constantly monitoring developments in both the law and case law. We do not make empty promises. We truly provide comprehensive services with respect to real estate, construction projects and restitution.

What we do?
  • We advise on real estate transactions and on construction projects, and provide pre-lease and pre-investment audits; in addition, we handle all of the aspects of acquisition of residential real estate or hotel acquisitions by developing the optimal models, and draw up complex agreements.
  • We assist our Clients in the construction and investment processes. This includes reviewing the documentation, assisting in obtaining decisions necessary for the implementation of the investment, and legalization of unpermitted buildings.
  • We assist with intellectual property and new technologies issues in the construction industry; in particular, we draft agreements with design studios for the complete investment documentation; we review and organize companies’ documentation and provide copyright-related opinions on construction and promotional documentation.
  • We advise on establishing the legal status of real estate and on restitution matters; among other things, we handle the establishing of the legal status of real estate acquired for further specific purposes by developers and manufacturers; we represent Clients in restitution claims and we advise pre-war owners on restitution of assets in Poland.
  • We handle real estate and construction investment disputes; for instance, we represent main contractors of commercial buildings in disputes with contracting authorities and designers for remuneration and compensation, real estate developers in disputes over the performance of preliminary agreements, investors in disputes with a design studio for compensation for faulty construction documentation, and many other entities in other types of disputes.
Cooperation benefits

When they come to us, Clients can benefit from unrivaled experience and the excellent knowledge of our expert team. We perfectly understand the needs of our Clients regarding real estate, construction and infrastructure projects. We are familiar with the market standards, including those regarding agreements or internal procedures applicable in particular areas of activity. We are constantly updating and expanding our knowledge, and we are also determined to improve our skills. We participate in important events on the real estate market and we organize training sessions and workshops.

The total value of agreements that we have helped to execute exceeds several billion PLN, while the total value of court cases in which we acted for a party to the dispute exceeds one billion PLN.

Why choose us?
  • We offer constant support provided by multi-disciplinary expert teams.
  • We can arrange consultations for our Clients with external experts, including architects, technical consultants, or qualified valuers, if necessary.
  • We have developed practical know-how in the implementation of large, high-budget construction projects.
  • We take a customized approach to each case.
  • We are available at all times while a project is in implementation and communicate on a regular basis.


Prof. INP PAN, Paweł Podrecki, PhD, Habil.

Attorney‑at‑lawSenior PartnerCo‑Managing Partner

Michał Sobolewski

Attorney‑at‑lawManaging Associate

Agnieszka Sypień

Attorney‑at‑lawSenior Associate

Klaudia Nowak

Trainee attorney‑at‑lawAssociate

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