
About this practice area

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Copyright law is our forte. For over twenty years, our expert team has been successfully advising domestic and foreign Clients in the creative industry and other sectors of the economy where copyright is of fundamental importance.

For example, we work with publishers and members of the media, organizers of cultural events, advertising agencies, architects and designers, and online and IT entrepreneurs. We also provide support to public sector entities in organizing open competitions and tenders, as well as in acquiring copyright for local government. We are convinced that doing business without attending to copyright issues is virtually impossible due to the digitalization of the economy, culture, and social life. It is therefore worth entrusting copyright issues to our team of experienced professionals. We protect the interests of Clients who have placed their trust in us in the most comprehensible manner possible. We understand perfectly how valuable, though intangible, copyright and related rights are. We do everything we can to safeguard them adequately.

What do we do?
  • We draft, review and negotiate contracts regarding the use of intellectual property rights and trade in them (including in particular copyrighted literary, scientific, musical and audiovisual works, computer software and video games, artistic performances, phonograms, videograms and other items protectable via related rights).
  • We conduct audits of the existing intellectual property assets and the level of their protection within companies and public entities.
  • We draw up legal opinions on specific issues arising from the application of copyright law in practice.
  • Thanks to our expert opinions, we are at the vanguard of bringing about the desired legislative changes.
  • We provide legal advice on an ongoing basis, which helps our Clients take quick business decisions in matters of copyright.
  • We represent our Clients in court disputes at every stage of the proceedings and at all court levels, and also before the Constitutional Tribunal and Court of Justice of the European Union.
  • We organize training and workshops on copyright law, press law and new technologies law.
Cooperation benefits

Copyright permeates our everyday lives. It not only concerns publishing of books, producing records, or organizing concerts. It also concerns online business in its broadest sense, deployment of software, organization of webinars, e-learning, and online distribution of video games. We have amassed a wealth of experience in all these areas.

We provide our Clients with real legal security regarding transactions they enter into and constant support in working out a strategy to protect their intellectual property rights. In addition, we provide assistance in contract negotiations and we help Clients resolve disputes amicably through mediation, which is often more cost-effective than engaging in a court dispute.

Our team’s expertise and experience have been repeatedly recognized in prestigious rankings of law firms. In 2020, we were recommended in the IP category in The Legal 500 and Chambers Europe. We have also been recognized every year in the ranking of law firms published by the Rzeczpospolita daily. Since 2005, we have retained the leading position in copyright, intellectual and industrial property law, while since 2010 we have been named the leader in that category. Moreover, we were singled out in the exclusive ranking IP STARS 2019, which recommends the leading practitioners in intellectual property law.

Copyright is our main practice area and a great passion. We combine experience and expertise to protect our Clients and help them capitalize on their strengths. Adequate copyright protection is a key factor in the development of a modern, innovative, and technologically advanced business with expert knowledge.

Why choose us?
  • We provide more than two decades of experience in copyrightprotection.
  • We understand the specific nature of various industries and venturesand we pay meticulous attention to business aspects.
  • We boast a team of experts with all the necessary qualifications.
  • We are readily available and in regular contact with our Clients.
  • We are highly effective in resolving copyright disputes amicably.
  • Expertise and professional experience confirmed by high positions inlegal rankings.


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