Agnieszka Wachowska

Attorney-at-lawCo-Managing Partner


Agnieszka is an attorney-at-law with more than ten years’ experience in working on IT projects. At TKP, Agnieszka is part of the TMT practice, and is head of the IT-tech, and Public Procurement law team. Her practice focus is IT law and new technologies law issues. Since beginning her legal career, she has advised IT sector companies, including state institutions, on IT law and public tenders for IT deliverables and services, and also on cybersecurity and copyright. Agnieszka is also responsible for advising telecommunications operators on their operations and on telecommunications law.

Agnieszka has worked on more than one hundred projects involving drafting and negotiating IT contracts, such as implementation (using Waterfall and Agile models), maintenance and development, hosting, licensing, and SaaS, PaaS and IaaS contracts, or for instance cloud computing contracts. She is experienced in advising on and managing IT contract performance disputes and representing clients in IT court litigation cases. Agnieszka has worked on numerous large and all-embracing IT contract due diligence projects, including verifying the scope of software licensing and options for transfer of software to the cloud. She advises on innovation and IT infrastructure and telecommunications development projects realized using EU funds and state aid, including strategic projects concerning construction and operation of broadband networks.

Agnieszka is an ICT law PIIT expert, and is part of a working group attached to the President of the Public Procurement Office. She played a role, as a representative of the PIIT, in drawing up new recommendations regarding public contracts for IT systems, and is a member and founder of the New Technologies Law Association, made up of lawyers specializing in TMT. She is a president of the New Technologies Law Association IT working group presidium, and the Warsaw Bar Association LegalTech Committee. Agnieszka is a member of ITechLaw.

Agnieszka has been singled out as a TMT lawyer in the prestigious lawyer rankings Chambers and Partners (Band 4) and the Legal 500 (Leading Individuals).

Agnieszka is highly active in training and education and has spoken at prestigious IT and public procurement conferences, including the Advanced Threat Summit and the H@ck Summit, and events organized by Puls Biznesu. Agnieszka lectures on IT law and new technologies law on the Warsaw Bar Association bar examination course, the postgraduate new technologies law course, and on public procurement at the Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences. She coordinates the student and graduate scheme TKP Academy – Student Program. Agnieszka has authored numerous trade and academic publications.

Agnieszka studied at the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Jagiellonian University, and won a scholarship for the Law and Technology program at Universiteit van Tilburg in the Netherlands. Agnieszka is registered as an attorney-at-law with the Warsaw Bar Association.

She speaks fluent English.

Related news

Publications 1
28 Apr 2023

ChatGPT and intellectual property

The debate on artificial intelligence is ongoing. One of the main topics is intellectual property rights violations. Agnieszka Wachowska and Marcin Ręgorowicz analyze the issue and present potential ways to solve the problem in an article published in The Global IP Directory.

News 7
23 Oct 2024

ITechLaw European Conference in Munich

We’re pleased to share that Xawery Konarski, Senior Partner, Co-Managing Partner, Agnieszka Wachowska, Co-Managing Partner and Arkadiusz Baran, Counsel will represent TKP at the ITechLaw European Conference in Munich, Germany from October 30th to November 1st, 2024.

If you are also attending ITLMunich2024 and would like to connect, please feel free to reach out to our specialists via email:

27 Mar 2024

The Legal 500 (Legalease) EMEA 2024

We are proud to share that Traple Konarski Podrecki & Partners has been recognized in 5 practice areas by The Legal 500 (Legalease) EMEA 2024!

14 Mar 2024

Chambers Europe 2024

We are pleased to announce that Traple Konarski Podrecki & Partners has been honored in the prestigious ranking of the best law firms by Chambers and Partners Europe 2024.

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The jury in the ranking named TKP as the top law firm in Poland in four categories:

16 Mar 2023

Chambers Europe 2023

Traple Konarski Podrecki & Partners has been once again ranked in the Chambers and Partners Europe Guide 2023. We have received recommendation in 2 areas of our expertise and 5 of our lawyers have been recognised in the ranking.

18 Mar 2022

Chambers Europe 2022

Traple Konarski Podrecki & Partners has been once again ranked in the Chambers and Partners Europe Guide 2022. We have received recommendation in 3 areas of our expertise and 5 of our lawyers have been recognised in the ranking.

12 Apr 2019

Legal 500 EMEA 2019

This year’s edition of the acclaimed Legal 500 EMEA ranking sees Traple Konarski Podrecki & Partners recognised in as many as three areas of practice: Tier 1 for Intellectual property and Tier 2 for both TMT and Competition/antitrust.

Events 4
22 Nov 2023 - 24 Nov 2023

Advanced Threat Summit 2023

We cordially invite you to participate in the 10th anniversary edition of the “Advanced Threat Summit” conference – the most important event in the field of cybersecurity in Poland!

22 Oct 2022 - 25 Oct 2022

IR Global Annual Conference

TKP are delighted to attend the 2022 IR Global annual conference on October 22-25, 2022 in Barcelona. During the meeting our Law Firm will be represented by Xawery Konarski, Agnieszka Wachowska, prof. UEK Jan Byrski, PhD hab.

19 Oct 2022 - 21 Oct 2022

2022 European Conference & 50th Anniversary Celebration

We are looking forward to seeing you on October 19-21 at ITechLaw 2022 European Conference in Zurich. Xawery Konarski will be the moderator of roundtable discussions about Web 3.0. Agnieszka Wachowska is going to take part in the Cybersecurity Insurance Session with the presentation: “Challenges to overcome and legal risks to address when outsourcing cyber security services”. This panel will discuss hot topics around cyber security insurance coverage and outsourcing cyber security services to third parties.

Blog 30
12 Aug 2024

The Electronic Communications Law enters into force. What are the new obligations for electronic communication entrepreneurs?

On 9 August 2024 the Electronic Communications Law was published in the Journal of Laws [1]. The new legislation, which will replace the current Telecommunications Law, introduces additional obligations for electronic communications entrepreneurs, a newly defined group of entities previously not covered by the former regulations. In this article, we explain who electronic communications entrepreneurs are and outline the obligations they will now be subject to.

23 Jul 2024

Publication of a draft law implementing the NIS 2 Directive

On 24 April 2024, the Ministry of Digital Affairs published a draft amendment to the National Cybersecurity System Act, which is a law implementing the EU NIS 2 Directive. It is worth noting, however, that in many aspects the Polish draft law deviates from the provisions of the NIS 2 Directive.

09 Jul 2024

A “game-changing” opinion from the CJEU’s Advocate General offers legal perspective on cheat software

In the world of gaming, the legality of various types of software used for cheating or “enhancing” the gaming experience (usually in the form of plug-ins) continues to be a topic of debate. In a recent legal opinion (delivered on 25 April, 2024, in case C‑159/23 Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd vs Datel Design and Development Ltd, Datel Direct Ltd), Maciej Szpunar, Advocate General at the CJEU, stated that creating such plugins does not violate game developers’ copyright. This important clarification could also have a negative side effect, as it might encourage further innovation and investment in gaming “enhancements” and any other software facing similar legal issues, potentially impacting the entire IT industry.

15 Apr 2024

Coding with AI: Navigating copyright in the era of Copilot

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05 Apr 2024

How to implement the NIS 2 Directive? Brief overview of required policies

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18 Dec 2023

Data Act: new obligations on data access

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18 Dec 2023

Developer, do you still “create”? Copyright and the use of Copilot and other AI tools to support software development

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12 Jul 2023

The draft amendment to the Act on the National Cybersecurity System was submitted to the Sejm

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14 Jun 2023

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15 Feb 2023

ChatGPT in practice – major legal issues

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04 Jan 2023

More intense measures by the Polish Public Procurement Office to draw up standards for indexation of fees in public construction work contracts

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24 Dec 2022

The Electronic Communications Law implementing the EECC in Poland an increasing likely prospect

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04 Nov 2022

The importance of a qualified electronic signature in the context of copyright transfer in the IT industry

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27 Oct 2022

A new version of the National Cybersecurity System Act close to being passed

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04 Aug 2022

Indexation of remuneration in public tender contracts

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03 Aug 2022

A legislative proposal to amend the Copyright Law and possible change in computer program licensing rules in the Polish IT sector

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02 Aug 2022

Envisaged new rules on cybersecurity – legislative proposal for combating abuses in electronic communication

On 15 June 2022, a proposal for a bill on combating abuses in electronic communication was published on the Government Legislation Centre website. The proposal is intended mainly to combat and counteract cyberthreats such as generation of artificial traffic, smishing, and CLI spoofing. To this end, specific obligations are envisaged under the legislation for telecommunications operators and e-mail providers. Public consultations have been completed and the document is currently undergoing an interdepartmental consultation process.

31 May 2022

Another seventh, new legislative proposal to amend the National Cybersecurity system act

On 25 March 2022, the Government Legislation Centre published what is now the seventh version of a bill amending the National Cybersecurity System Act. The previous version of the bill, of 12 October 2021, caused much controversy among the public – especially proposals regarding the procedure for classifying a hardware or software supplier as a high-risk supplier, and the possibility of instructions being issued as security measures requiring the entities that form the national cybersecurity system to take certain kinds of action.

30 May 2022

The rise of a blockchain-based durable medium. Will it revolutionize customer document management?

While blockchain is mainly perceived as technology that is the foundation for known cryptocurrency, the increasing number of uses in various sectors of the economy in Poland, such as use to comply with the legal obligation to provide information on a durable medium, show that it has much greater potential. The President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) has now expressed approval for this practice, opening the way for providers of this technology to devise solutions of this kind and supply them to a broad range of organizations.

05 Apr 2022

Legal issues regarding low-code/no-code programming solutions

Low-code/no-code platform solutions are currently one of the most rapidly growing IT market segments. As use of this model becomes more widespread, it is the cause of a range of challenges when drafting agreements for implementation or maintenance of systems, and this is due to the specific nature of this approach to constructing software.

22 Mar 2022

Council of the European Union proposals for the NIS2 Directive and CER Directive

In December 2021, the Council of the European Union, of which the presidency was held by Slovenia, reached a consensus on the wording of the NIS2 Directive, due to replace the current NIS Directive (2016/1148) in force since 2016, and the Critical Entity Resilience Directive (CER), due to replace Council Directive 2008/114/EC of 8 December 2008 on the identification and designation of European Critical Infrastructures.

18 Mar 2022

Special moment in history for development of artificial intelligence

As January came to an end, a parliamentary process began in the EU concerning the first regulatory framework proposal in history on artificial intelligence. The work gained momentum when further amendments were proposed, among other things to ease a range of provisions relating to high-risk AI system providers. Under the new regulations, the EU is to be the world leader in artificial intelligence.

20 Dec 2021

New legislative proposal to amend the National Cybersecurity System Act

A government proposal to amend the National Cybersecurity System Act (CSA) has been published after many weeks of public statements. The proposal is somewhat similar to the proposal for an amendment to the act of last year, which was discussed in our previous international newsletter. However, it contains a range of new solutions not announced to the public before.  Although a very short timeframe has been set, many comments have been submitted regarding the proposed bill, from business organizations and elsewhere. Government officials have said that the proposal has been submitted to the Government National Security and Defence Committee (KRMBNSO).

08 Nov 2021

Amendment to Act on National Cybersecurity System

Even last year, plans were announced to amend the Act of 5 July 2018 on the National Cybersecurity System (CSA), and the first draft of the bill was submitted for public consultations on 7 September 2020. Since then, the envisaged amendment has been revised repeatedly in the course of legislative work, and the final version of the bill – of 4 March 2021 – is now being reviewed by the Council of Ministers. Although it does not affect the crucial issues regulated in the act, there is a lot of interest in the amendment to the CSA on the part of business, and not only firms on the IT market. The proposed changes are briefly summarized below, while it is still not certain that the proposed changes will be enacted due to the lengthy period of work on the bill.

26 Oct 2021

Body leasing agreements in practice in the Polish IT sector

As it is difficult to find the right specialists on the market, body leasing is an increasingly popular means of finding qualified specialists for specific tasks. This is particularly true of the Polish IT sector. Meanwhile, due to this type of business relationship not being regulated specifically in Polish law, special care is required to protect the parties’ interests when drafting an agreement.

20 Oct 2021

Polish hub of the European initiative Gaia-X launched in Poland

A hub of the European cloud computing technology development project Gaia-X was launched in Poland on 2 September on the second day of the CYBERSEC 2021 conference held in Krynica Zdrój. The Polish arm is to work on developing efficient, competitive and secure data infrastructure in hybrid cloud computing. In Poland, the project is overseen by the Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications and the Digital Poland Association.

11 Oct 2021

Withholding tax on cloud computing services

Withholding tax is tax levied at a fixed rate on certain types of revenue generated in Poland by foreign firms, i.e. firms that do not have their registered seat or management board in Poland. This tax is paid by the Polish firms when they pay the fee. The question is whether the fee paid by Polish firms that use cloud computing services of foreign providers is subject to withholding tax.

29 Jun 2021

Polish Public Procurement Office issues new guidelines on public tenders for IT systems

While public tenders for IT systems are a major part of the public tender market in Poland, the drafting of the relevant tender documentation for conducting procedures of this kind continues to be a source of many problems for contracting authorities.

03 Jun 2021

Cybersecurity changes envisaged in a proposal for NIS Directive 2

The implementation of the NIS Directive in the Member States led to additional obligations for certain digital service providers, including in areas such as ensuring cybersecurity or incident reporting. After four years, the existing regulations were found to be insufficient, and a proposal for NIS Directive 2 was published, expanding the group of entities concerned and placing new obligations upon them.

Meet our team

Xawery Konarski

Attorney‑at‑lawSenior PartnerCo‑Managing Partner

Piotr Nepelski

Attorney‑at‑lawManaging Associate

Dominika Nowak-Byrtek

Attorney‑at‑lawManaging Associate

Joanna Dworak

Attorney‑at‑lawSenior Associate

Kamila Dymek

Trainee attorney‑at‑lawAssociate

Konrad Basaj

Trainee attorney‑at‑lawJunior Associate

Piotr Konieczny

Trainee attorney‑at‑lawJunior Associate